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Fluid Dynamics
University Engineering

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Definition of flow, the continuum viewpoint, velocity fields, vector fields, streamlines & pathlines, steady & unsteady flow.

Forces in Fluids
Types of forces in fluids, body & surface forces, pressure force, viscous force & viscosity, No-Slip condition, surface tension & flow types

Fluid Statics
The Hydrostatic Equation, manometry, hydrostatic forces on flat & curved surfaces, surface integrals, Archimedes' Principle and Buoyancy.

Control Volume Analysis
Mass flow rate, volume integrals, Reynolds transport theorem, conservation of mass & momentum, steady flow, constant & varying density.

The Bernoulli Equation
Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation for steady inviscid flow, stagnation point flow, conservation of energy, the pipe flow energy equation.

Internal Flows
Fully developed laminar flow, finding velocity profiles, viscous & pressure forces, turbulent flow in pipes, major & minor losses, pump head
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