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Foundations of Thermodynamics
An introduction to the four laws of thermodynamics, systems, control volumes, equilibrium, processes, paths and cycles.
4 min read

Energy, Heat & Work
Energy classifications and transfer, heat transfer, work transfer and the first law of thermodynamics.
5 min read

Properties of Substances
Pure substances, phase changes, subcooled liquid, wet vapour, superheated vapour, equations of states, enthalpy and dryness fraction.
5 min read

Steady Flow Processes
Using the first law for control volumes, the steady flow energy equation (SFEE), block diagrams, mass &volume flow rate & the Rankine Cycle
4 min read

The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Reversible & irreversible processes, heat engines, actual vs ideal efficiency, Clausius' & Kelvin-Planck statement and improving efficiency.
4 min read

Entropy & The Second Law
The Clausius Inequality, Entropy, Temperature-Entropy T-S diagrams, enthalpy-entropy h-s diagrams, isotropic (adiabatic) efficiency.
4 min read
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