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University Engineering

Foundations of Thermodynamics
An introduction to the four laws of thermodynamics, systems, control volumes, equilibrium, processes, paths and cycles.

Energy, Heat & Work
Energy classifications and transfer, heat transfer, work transfer and the first law of thermodynamics.

Properties of Substances
Pure substances, phase changes, subcooled liquid, wet vapour, superheated vapour, equations of states, enthalpy and dryness fraction.

Steady Flow Processes
Using the first law for control volumes, the steady flow energy equation (SFEE), block diagrams, mass &volume flow rate & the Rankine Cycle

The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Reversible & irreversible processes, heat engines, actual vs ideal efficiency, Clausius' & Kelvin-Planck statement and improving efficiency.

Entropy & The Second Law
The Clausius Inequality, Entropy, Temperature-Entropy T-S diagrams, enthalpy-entropy h-s diagrams, isotropic (adiabatic) efficiency.
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