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A-Level Physics
2 min read
Work, Energy & Power
Work done is the amount of energy transferred from one form to another when a force causes movement. The units of work are Joules, J W =...

A-Level Physics
2 min read
Hooke's Law, Stress & Strain, Young's Modulus, Properties and experiments

A-Level Physics
4 min read
Energy, Power & Resistance
e.m.f. & p.d., resistance, Ohm's law, resistivity and power

A-Level Physics
3 min read
Charge & Current
Charge, current, Kirchhoff's laws & mean drift velocity notes.

A-Level Physics
3 min read
Electrical Circuits
Kirchhoff's laws, resistors in series & parallel, internal resistance and potential divider circuit notes.

A-Level Physics
6 min read
Waves, reflection, refraction, diffraction, polarisation, EM spectrum, superposition and stationary wave notes.

A-Level Physics
3 min read
Quantum Physics
Quantum physics, photons, the Planck constant, photoelectric effect, Einstein's photoelectric equation and wave-particle duality notes.

A-Level Physics
7 min read
Thermal Physics
Temperature, changes of state, thermal properties and ideal gasses notes.

A-Level Physics
5 min read
Circular Motion, SHM & Oscillations
Circular motion, angular velocity, centripetal force & acceleration, simple harmonic oscillations, SHM, resonance and damping notes.

A-Level Physics
4 min read
Gravitational Fields
Gravitational fields, Newton's law of gravitation, planetary motion, Kepler's laws, gravitational potential energy and satellite notes.

A-Level Physics
6 min read
Life cycle of stars, EM radiation, emission spectra, Wien's law and Stefan's law.

A-Level Physics
5 min read
Cosmological units, the cosmological principal, the doppler effect, Hubble's law & universe evolution notes.

A-Level Physics
3 min read
Capacitors, capacitance, stored energy, charging & discharging, and time constant notes.

A-Level Physics
3 min read
Electric Fields
Point and spherical charges, Coulomb's law, uniform electric fields, electric field strength and electrical potential energy notes.

A-Level Physics
5 min read
Magnetism & Electromagnetism
Magnetic fields, Fleming's Left Hand Rule, magnetic flux, linkage & density, Tesla, motors & generators and transformer notes.

A-Level Physics
6 min read
Nuclear & Particle Physics
The atom, fundamental particles, radioactivity, decay, fusion and fission, Einstein's energy-mass equation E=mc² notes.

A-Level Physics
4 min read
Forces & Newton's Laws
Notes on Newton's Laws of motion, non-uniform acceleration, moments and density & pressure.

A-Level Physics
3 min read
Motion, Momentum & Impulse
Motion, momentum, impulse, stopping distances, projectiles and car safety notes.
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