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Python Cheat Sheet
Libraries Before you can use libraries, you need to import them. For maths: import maths For random: import random If the library name i...
Engineering Notes
5 min read

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Definition of flow, the continuum viewpoint, velocity fields, vector fields, streamlines & pathlines, steady & unsteady flow.
4 min read

Foundations of Thermodynamics
An introduction to the four laws of thermodynamics, systems, control volumes, equilibrium, processes, paths and cycles.
4 min read

Forces in Fluids
Types of forces in fluids, body & surface forces, pressure force, viscous force & viscosity, No-Slip condition, surface tension & flow types
4 min read

Energy, Heat & Work
Energy classifications and transfer, heat transfer, work transfer and the first law of thermodynamics.
5 min read

Fluid Statics
The Hydrostatic Equation, manometry, hydrostatic forces on flat & curved surfaces, surface integrals, Archimedes' Principle and Buoyancy.
4 min read

Properties of Substances
Pure substances, phase changes, subcooled liquid, wet vapour, superheated vapour, equations of states, enthalpy and dryness fraction.
5 min read

Control Volume Analysis
Mass flow rate, volume integrals, Reynolds transport theorem, conservation of mass & momentum, steady flow, constant & varying density.
4 min read

Material Properties and Engineering vs True Stress & Strain
An introduction to material properties, how to perform a tensile test, engineering and true stress and strain, poisson's ratio and hardening
4 min read

The Bernoulli Equation
Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation for steady inviscid flow, stagnation point flow, conservation of energy, the pipe flow energy equation.
2 min read

Steady Flow Processes
Using the first law for control volumes, the steady flow energy equation (SFEE), block diagrams, mass &volume flow rate & the Rankine Cycle
4 min read

Hardness, Toughness, Creep & Fatigue
Brinell and VIckers hardness, investigating toughness, the charpy impact test, creep resistance, creep curves, creep law, fatigue cracks.
4 min read

Ionic, covalent, metallic & van der Waals bonds, including molecular, macromolecular & hydrogen bonding, interatomic forces & bond energies.
4 min read

Internal Flows
Fully developed laminar flow, finding velocity profiles, viscous & pressure forces, turbulent flow in pipes, major & minor losses, pump head
4 min read

Crystal Structures
The Hard Sphere Model, packing in 2 & 3 dimensions, Simple cubic, BCC, FCC, HCP lattices and atomic density.
3 min read

Defects & Deformation of Crystal Structures
Slip & slip systems in HCP, FCC BCC lattices, point, line & area defects, edge & screw dislocations, grain boundaries & strengthening.
3 min read

Non-Ferrous Alloys & Strengthening
Types of alloying, complete & partial solid solutions, equilibrium phase diagrams, eutectic point, solid solution & precipitation hardening.
5 min read

Ferrous Alloys & Strengthening
Steels, cast iron, ferrite, austenite, cementinte, pearlite, bainite, normalising, quenching, tempering, tempered martensite, eutectoid.
5 min read

Crystal structure and properties of ceramics, degree of ionic character, bending tests, manufacturing ceramics, pressing and sintering.
2 min read

Polymer structure, thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, tensile & temperature dependent properties of polymers, plastic creep & failure.
5 min read
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